Make wrinkles/fine Lines and Laugh Line disappear with this trick
I wish I knew this trick sooner. There was a time when no matter what I would do or what primer, powder, and setting spray combo I was using, my foundations would always slide off or separate around my nose which would ruin my look.
I found Jackie Aaina's trick where she uses an eyeshadow primer to prevent this from happening. The idea is that if an eyeshadow primer can stop your eyeshadow from creasing, or fading then why can't you use it before adding foundation.
I recommend applying eyeshadow primer:
1) to smile lines to make the line disappear
2) to the nose to prevent foundation from separating
3) to under eye to make lines and wrinkles disappear.
Finally my foundation doesn't budge even after 8 hours. If you used to suffer like I did, then I would recommend you try this ASAP!